The Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America
Asbestos inhalation is an established cause of cancer in humans, particulary malignant mesothelioma and lung cancer. It is the main cause of cancer resulting from workplace exposure to carcinogens.
Despite extensive cancer studies in humans, certain controversies remain about asbestos exposure and human cancer. The primary controversy is the question of fiber type in causation of mesothelioma. Commericial use of asbestos mainly involves the two amphibole fiber types, crodidolite and amosite and one serpentine fiber type. However, chrysotile asbestos is often contaminated with small amounts of tremolite, an amphibole fiber. The key questions concern whether or not, and to what extent, exposure to chrysotile asbestos (including its natural contaminant tremolite)causes mesothelioma in humans. While there is evidence that chrysotile asbestos is not a potent cause of malignant mesothelioma (EPA. 1986: Doll and Peto, 1985).
The role of chrysotile in the causation of pleural mesothelioma is still disputed.
Asbestos Legislation Update
Research Interest in Asbestos-Related Cancer Intensifies
Nine Questions and Answers on Chrysotile and Health
Abstracts Found in Various Medical Journals Concerning Peritoneal Mesothelioma
Asbestos and Cancer - The First Thirty Years
Asbestos and Cancer - The International Lag
Asbestos in Drinking Water and Cancer Incidence in San Francisco
Asbestos Concentration On Marine Vessels
Asbestos in Strange Places: Two Case Reports of Mesothelioma Among Merchant Seamen
Asbestos in the Workplace and the Community
Asbestos-Related Disease in Plumbers and Pipefitters Employed in Building Construction
Malignant Mesothelioma of the pleura: current surgical pathology
Call for an International Ban on Asbestos
Chrysotile Asbestos is the Main Cause of Pleural Mesothelioma
Environmental asbestos exposure and malignant pleural mesothelioma
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Executive Director
Toll Free:
(800) 909-Meso (6376)
3011 Townsgate Rd, Suite 450
Westlake Village, CA 91361
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©2023 Mesothelioma Research Foundation Of America